Vision & Mission

By , August 10, 2009 4:21 am


LTCS visualizes a self-reliant and self-sustaining community where the people live responsibility striving for a just and equal society.


LTCS seeks to achieve Integrated Development through Empowerment of people by organizing them into SHG’s building their capacities and enabling them to utilize optimally available resources.


Micro Credit and Micro Enterprise Development Programme: Assured access to credit for marginalized community and improved incomes by investment of credit into enterprise development.
Institutionalization for sustainability programme; Self managed self-help institutions of the people (SHG, federations) for sustainable management of the micro credit programme.

Agriculture and Livestock Development Programme; Improved food security and incomes through livestock and agriculture development. Good Governance Programme; Traditional village governance institutions become capacitated to plan, execute and monitor the development of the village.

Gender Development Programme; Women and men enjoy equal access to opportunities for development and make joint decisions in the family and community level.

NGO Capacity Building Programme; Grassroots level NGOs improve their knowledge, skills, systems and procedures for effective and result orients functioning.

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